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16v fan wiring, figured out but found another problem

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Hey everyone.

Firstly im sorry i know this has been asked a million times before. I have searched but cant find the post i seem to recall with the info in it. My car has had a slimline fan fitted to it by the previous owner. I know the original ones are 2 speed. My fan is connected across the brown which will be earth and the red and black wire, does anbody know which speed setting this one is? There is also a red and white wire that isnt being used. Is there any harm in bridging the red and white wire and black and red wire so that the fan will come on no matter what. I would check at what temp its kicking in but my temp gauge doesnt work at the moment and im waiting on a set of clocks to arrrive but im taking it down south on friday.

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diconnected the fan switch and manually switched the fans on by shorting the live and the swiched lives on at a time. When i have the lower temp connected to the fan but with the ignition off and the swich not even shorted the fan is constantly on.

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