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Clutch problem

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Over the weekend i noticed my clutch pedal getting higher and higher when finally yesterday i struggled to engage any gear, lukcily managed to get it into 4th and coast home about 20miles without stopping, phew.


Now i done some research on the forum and there is alot about potential cylinder failures.


There is still some travel left in the pedal (1-2inches) but not enough to get a gear. When the engine is off and i press the clutch there is a new clicking noise in the gearbox???? I've also read about bending of the fork lever inside the box. :?


Where should i start? can i literally take out the 2 bolts holding the slave cylinder on with the system still pressurised and see there is any leak? I don't believe the fluid level has gone down either.



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from what you've said it sounds more like a dead clutch or a bent release lever.


yes you can just undo the two 13mm bolts and whip the slave out of the top of the box. it won't affect the fluid in any way, provided you don't undo the line leading to it obviously. you should defo check the slave first, but my guess would be either dead clutch or bent release arm.


you didn't mention the history of the car, how many miles it has done or what model it is (guessing valver from your username). if it's a vr you'll want to think about doing the chains/tensioners at the same time as it's pretty much a given they'll need to be done too unless you've got history/evidence to suggest otherwise.

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Thanks for your reply Pete.


I'll take alook at the slave cylinder first then. But i've got a horrible feeling it is the fork lever.


The car is a G60 with 101k miles, running near 200bhp.

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at least you won't have chains to worry about then!


if it's never had a clutch before and you're taking the box off anyway (assuming it's not the slave), then i would stick another clutch it in while you're there - that'll save you revisiting the same area again in future. the same also goes for the release arm; if you get the whole lot off and find it's the clutch, i would replace the release arm at the same time.


also if you're replacing the clutch, seeing as you're running power a fair bit above standard, i would look at replacing it with an uprated item.

helix are a good name, but i would get the pressure plate checked for balance before it goes on. helix used to be very good here and their plates were spot on every time, but i've heard stories more recently of their pressure plates being shockingly out. i can't confirm how true these stories are, but it won't take much just to get it checked and it'll save you a whole lot of hastle over fitting it and finding out the hard way.

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OK good news.


Took the slave cylinder out on saturday and the piston was no longer attached to it. So hopefully this will just be a simple job of getting a new slave cylinder and bleeding it.



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You do know that the little "rod" that sticks out of the slave and pushes against the release arm isn't actually attached to anything don't you...


The rod is simply held in place by the pressure from the release arm when it's in-situ, and just held in by the rubber seal once you remove the slave (hence why it will waggle around once the slave is removed from the gearbox...)

the actual piston is inside the slave and out of sight unless you take it apart.


not teaching you to suck eggs or anything - just making sure you're aware before you go splashing the cash...

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Ah, I've never dealt with Hydrallic systems before, so its not the actual piston. OK :)


The remains of the fluid that i guess was left in the pipe was coming out of it when i took it off and the 'rod' was a complete seperate part from the slave cylinder itself. i.e. the green rubber was ripped apart and the rod was stting in the gearbox hole when i removed the cylinder.


I'll prob go get one from GSF unless there are any horror stories, i can imagine VW will sting me for something like this.

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sorry was the slave leaking befoer you even disconnected anything. i.e. did you undo the flexi fluid line feedling the slave in order to remove it from the gearbox, or did you just undo the two 13mm bolts that hold it in?


if you didn't touch the fluid line and you're seeing fluid, then there's definitely something wrong, but if you did undo it, then it's normal to see fluid out of the hole the line feeds into (obviously!).


regardless of that, if the slave on your car is the original and you've got it out, it'll be worth thinking about replacing it anyway. they are about 30-45 sheets from GSF iirc, not sure what the dealers would charge you, but depending on how much extra it is obviously, it can often be worth plumping for that little bit extra as undoubtedly dealer stuff will last longer.

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Yeah i havent touched the incoming feed pipe yet. So definately a problem with the unit itself.


I'll get a price from VW shortly.

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