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overfuelling a bit!!

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hi guys

After driving back 750km from passau in germany i noticed that the fuel comsumption real world was alot worse than the display. the display said i was getting 7.6l/100 when i was driving between 100-110 km/h but the tank was empty after 420km!!(brimmed tank!) :shock:


So with a little time on my hands it was time to investagte!! :scratch:

Good place to start,the exhaust!



Overfuelling quite a bit!

Right time to find problem :brickwall:

found one prob


Only the most important hose on the car!hose was very soft and internal diameter is bigger due to wear.



So off to VW to get new hose.Came next day



8 euro

After last time i got a hose i decided to check length(last time they gave me hose 96cm long!)excatly 1m 8)

Then out of curiousity i put the old hose and new hose together and found a shocking discovery




Old hose was two cm too short


New hose on,took her for spin and....



all good again.......until next time :norty:


Which i/c should i run guys?

this one?



or this one?


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Heh - yeah that hose is important and well worth buying a new one - good pics!


I don't know what it is but every original one I have removed from a G60 is 2-3cm short of what it should be - maybe they shrink with age / heat?? 2-3% is not hard to believe...

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Yeah i would have said the same too! doesnt help the most important pipe in the car thats made of rubber being above the hottest pipe on the car,great thinking VW! :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Gives me an idea,what about putting a bit of heat insultator around the pipe,might make it last bit longer?hell im pretty sure that i could use silicone hose,so long as its tough enough? :)


anyone know what vw this i/c is off?bought it years ago never got round to fitting it cause couldnt decide which i/c to use :roll: Came with pipes too!



other i/c is off a merc sprinter which doenst seem too bad a fit!


also this will be fitted until i start my little project,gettin rid of that leak prone charger outlet box


and might as well recon these two babies,left one has had quite a bit of porting :norty:


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