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Broke small air pipe above exhaust manifold 16ver

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Guys i just broke the little air pipe thats at the back of the engine above the exhaust manifold. It snapped where it joins some sort of nipple type connection on a bigger black pipe which has a yellow round banded type connection to it.

Sorry dont know what these things are called,is it a maff pipe or something? Tried to glue it but my superglues are rubbish.

Any ideas what i can do? Thanks if you can help out. :notworthy:

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do you mean from the back right of the inlet manifold? - the vacuum connection that goes to the brake servo etc?

if it's just the small bore vacuum pipe you can get lengths of that from any motor factor, and Halfords, GSF etc must do it.

or is it a plastic connector that is bust?

can't picture it on the 16v, is yours a 2L?

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Hi David,its above the exhaust manifold just in front of the engine bulkhead behind a heat shield. The car runs and this little broken nipple connector thingy is sucking in air . The really thin pipe that used to connect to it before i broke it appears to come from the throttle body. It would glue it if i could find a superglue that would actually work.


Dont know if the car will drive ok without it,doubt it,maybe its there to suck in warm air in winter to aid starting? just dont know?


Edit,starting to look like brake servo as you say,trying to find a picture so i can describe it better.

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