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KR Injector removal

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Went to do some work on the car today and when I went to take the injectors out they only pulled so far then stopped. On closer inspection the large O ring is slipping out of the groove on the injector and sticking in the manifold then when the small O ring reaches it the whole caboodle sticks there. Should I just give it a good yank and chance breaking something or is there anything else I could do. Don't feel like taking off the manifold as the car goes in for it's MOT Friday. Any suggestions welcomed.

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I'm sure I used a bit of WD40 to persuade them to come out, it is a pain when they do that, I'm sure with a bit of lube and some jiggling everything will be fine :norty:

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bit of 14 guage wire helps alot. bend a hook onto the wire and bit wd40 and out they come


had the same prob on my mk2 gti 16v when i changed them.made it alot easier


hope it helps! :)

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