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If you are looking for an excuse to "Fire up the Corrado" next year check this site out. Run2the 80's is a 2 day treasure hunt with a provisional date of the 4th and 5th June next year. It's a sort of mystery tour of the UK with a shopping list and it's a shortest distance thing not quickest time.


The price is £20 per car plus hotels which will hopefully be no more than £80 per room per night (last June's run was £65 per room per night).


This year we have been to the south west and the Peak district on our little outings.


Start for next year in not confirmed yet but will be on the east coast somewhere, and as for the finnish......well you'll have to follow the clues to discover that.





ps there is usually a bit of drinking at the end of it.......sorry

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Are you CrazyDave's mate with the UR Quattro? Was chatting to you at DG Autotech a month or two back, admiring the awesome Quattro :)

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It is indeed the same fella, must be feeling a little shy.


We've been talking about doing more driving events with Corrados over the last few months & this seemed ideal to me.


I think that maybe a breakdown of what a treasure hunt is and what the fee is for would help people decide (the info is on the website in the link). As I understand it it's to cover the cost of the trophy and printed materials that are needed to run the event and nothing for profit ;)


You will need a navigator !


If you enjoyed Poolte and Pies, this is the next step up the ladder, with a competition element added in.

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Looks like fun. All depends on the date and a bit on roughly whereabouts.

I wonder whether the organisers could handle a large influx of newly interested people.


Long time till June but if this is updated with more info nearer the time I'll be interested.

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Yes sorry my first post is a little vague, but I'm afraid that is the nature of the event.


Description and Rules

The object of the game is to get from A to B in the shortest distance, each mile is worth 2 points lowest point score wins. To help with the point scoring there is a"Shopping List" and this will add or subtract points from your final score.


1. You will know the Start Venue ( at moment I don't know myself yet but will be East coast possibly Essex)

2. At the start you will be given a pack of envelopes. There will be an envelope which says "Open First". This will contain the Rules, Shopping List and your first destination.

3. The Shopping list can win or lose you the Run. Items previously on the list have been Pirate flags, bear mats, sea shells, cider/scrumpy....hopefully you get the idea.

4. Your first destination there will be a photo of a road sign, building or monument with a number blanked out on it. When you get to the destination you must find the missing number, this number coresponds to the next envelope (all envelopes apart from the "Open First" are numbered). Amongst these envelopes are PENALTIES, these will add 50 points to your score, this is to prevent cheating and stop you opening all the envelopes.

5. As you may gather now that is why the route is secret.

6. There will be 2 hotels booked for the end of each night (Sat and Sun) and you will need to book the Monday off work to give you chance to get home (after your hangover!).


As I get a feel for numbers I can then start harrassing hotels for the best deals, last June's run I got the first hotel for £60 B&B per room (2 peoples) and the second £70 room only.


Any questions either PM me or post below this.





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Sounds excellent. At the Pootle and Pies, we even got onto discussing doing one of these for the next CCGB National Day. Fun and totally different to the norm.

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I'll add you to the list also, this is only to gauge numbers at moment for hotels.



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Hotel Prices


Ok then we now have a better idea on how many monies you will have to find for the hotels.


Are you ready???



£130 per team for the weekend plus £20 entrance (team is driver and co driver)


Please let me know if you are interested as places are subject to rooms available. So far we have 10 teams on the list.






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Yes, I am still interested - however, only if I can find a Passenger - Anyone on here interested ?


Also, do you have the Hotels details please.





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I'm afraid the hotels are secret because this will give away the route. What I can tell you is they are breakfast inclusive (plus they have a bar).


I haven't booked yet so you will have to let me know if you want a twin or double room.


Also before I book I will need the full amount for the rooms £130 but if there is a problem where you have to cancel, as long as its 2 days before the date you will get a full refund.


Any more questions ask or pm me.



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Yes, I am still interested - however, only if I can find a Passenger - Anyone on here interested ?



Go on then Wendy. How about a Thelma & Louise type team?? You can drive :)

Talk about it next Saturday if we are still cohearant.. or Sunday if we are not too hung over.

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Yes, I am still interested - however, only if I can find a Passenger - Anyone on here interested ?



Go on then Wendy. How about a Thelma & Louise type team?? You can drive :)

Talk about it next Saturday if we are still cohearant.. or Sunday if we are not too hung over.


Brilliant - Yes, I was thinking about asking you and along the same lines !!

I already have it marked in my diary.

Fantastic - holidays bookings will have to be around this now.!! :lol: :lol:

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Hmm good point but Cagney & Lacy dont have the same cudos.

Couldn't we be Thelma & Louise running back to the 80's cause we wanted to be from then???? :scratch:

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How long does threads stay in this section before being dropped?

Thought I'd bump it to keep it safe a while (and to look up the date to put in my calander)

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Thanks for that, have been a bit busy editing the last Run2's video (should be ready soon online.....as long as laptop stays on long enough........).


Also new website up and running now



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Hello again


I have just completed editing the DVD of our last run (Run2theHills) which was filmed using various camcorders handed out at the beginning of the day to the teams.

If you are interested in going on the next run (Run2the80's) pm me with your address and I will send you a copy.

It will give you a better idea of what we get up to.......... :wave:




ps also new website up and running



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Hello again




I have now sorted hotels for the Run2the80's and will now require £50 per team for the deposit within the next couple of weeks (second hotel I'm afraid).


Also I have some bad news about the cost for hotels, it was £130 per team (this was for both nights) but has now gone up



The extra cost wil be..........£9


so total cost for weekend will be £20 entrance fee plus £139 for the hotels (this is per team).


pm me for details in how to get the deposits to me





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Phew.... :eek: :scratch: :cheers:


Just had to log in and check the date of this as Kip has got me 2 tickets for a concert Saturday 11th June for Christmas and I panicked for a min.

As the tickets are for Take That I would have been letting Wendy down but I am very very VERY happy to say they dont clash


:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :luvlove:

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