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replacment cooling hoses

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I have had two coolant hoses on my 93 vr6 go in as many months, i was thinking of replacing all of them, Would anyone know where i can get a full set a a decent price, i'm not fussed about super costly silicon version really, just good as original replacements


any idea's





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I think you may be able to get samcos slightly less than that.

I only replaced one hose last time (head to heater matrix) and that cost £45 alone! The samco is an 8 hose set

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i have recieved my hose's from samco, they all fit with exception of the one that connects to the oil cooler from the cross pipe and the oil cooler from the block, they are totaly wrong, anyone else have the same problem?



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Buying new replacements all round from VW will be seriously expensive. Samco's are the next best bet really though I hear they can take weeks and weeks to get from Samco if they don't already have them on the shelves!

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