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16V clocks in a G60?

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Hello all,


Well, I have a couple probs... My G60 is not a G60 and revs far higher than any G60 could ever want to. And so I want a rev counter that it a little better setup to take this into account.


Further to this, my clocks are currently KM/H and so pretty shite and show 186K km... not good. So wanted a set of 16v clocks and was wondering if they would simply plug in - no probs and rev counter etc would just work - IE: All the differences handled inside the clocks rather than different wiring etc.




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not sure about the rev counter etc,


but the mpg and some bits might not work due to the g60 clocks were made to measure vacuum on a forced induction engine and the 16v clocks were not


also the early (possible all) 16v clocks use a cable operated speedo where the g60 one uses an electric signal from a sender.


what does the car rev to then?

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you may be better off getting the clocks re-calibrated... get some stickers for the clocks (or print your own!) and then send 'em off to somewhere like digi-dash.com who can calibrate them for miles and change the rev-counter to read upto a higher top figure... 8)


It's not cheap, mind, but you'll know that your milage/ speed is spot on and have a rev-counter that works upto the redline of your engine... 8)

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What is the situation with digital dashes? I have seen digi dashes with 7K red line... what cars came with this? Was there a digi 16v clocks?

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try searching on ebay.de for the digifiz

its the digital dash that was available in the mk2 golf.

it was on 16v's too as far as i know

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My mate Dirk Schneider over in Germany usually has a few Digifizes knocking about. Quite a few folk have now fitted them to Mk2 Roccos, changed the backlighting to blue :shock: instead of green (looks really nice).


He occasionally sells one for as little as £300, provided you swap in your existing instrument cluster.



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