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Stealth Racing Rolling Road Day - 1st May 2011

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The thursday before the event will be a go or no go decision day so you will know by then if we will run this or not :)


hopefully enough people will be interested again....



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come one people :) this is the first event VR6OC have organised in 7 years that's at risk of being cancelled.... I don't understand the lack of interest :)

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I'm afraid to say that this event is now cancelled. Any deposit paid will be refund over the next few days


Unsure of the lack of interest, we will rearrange later in the year....



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Kind of pleased to hear that cos i missed out last year and didnt realise this was goign on, wouldnt have been able to make it this time.

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Pretty disappointed really. I've just read on the VR6OC website that this is now canned.. Was looking forward to a good day at Stealth, and having a chance to figure the VRT as well. I can't fathom the lack of interest either. Next time maybe.

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