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need some exhaust advice...

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My 1800 16v is a bit quiet and whilst im not after cherry bomb saxo type noise from my exhaust i do want it louder as its really quiet!


If i got rid of the cat and had standard back box would that make it louder? Or should i get rid of the middle silencer and keep the cat OR.... get rid of the center box, cat and keep the back box so its almost a straight through system? mines a 1990 model so i dont need the cat on there for an mot but would having it like this make it likele to fail an mot due to emmissions???


Thanks for any help recieved and i would just like to emphasise i am not a rude boy chav or anythign just want some noise to liven things up a bit!!!

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cat bypass should effect the mot as its old enough to not need it


golfs over here never had cats , but i recon theyd be the same fitment , id lean under and check the approx length and flange style and compare to what you are buying

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i hope that meant to say "shouldnt" rather than "should" haha cos i just found and bought a decat pipe from "unit 3 tuning" off ebay! at £40 it might be a bit hit and miss but at the end of the day its just a bit of stainless steel pipe so should be okay and a guy off another forum got one and was pleased with it so hey ho! now just looking for a stainless back box as the rest of the system is in pretty good nick!

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You've not got a cat! - the 1.8 engines are not managed so no lambda fitted.


I can't remember if you get a box or a straight pipe as standard but a cat bypass won't fit as you've not got that 3 hole flange on the downpipe.


Any stainless system should give you a bit of extra noise / rasp - keep an eye out for a magnex etc and you could always also fit a straight bit of pipe with it where the cat would be - way cheaper than a bypass pipe.

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woah glad you said that in time, cancelled the order hahah could i just get someone to weld a bit of straight pipe on then, so it would nearly be a straight through system? so literally central silencer then straight pipe right out the back to a stainless steel back box?

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