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Another VR cooling thread

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Hi all, as per the title, I've got a slight cooling issue.


In the three years I've own my C VR, water temp has never been a problem.


Last Friday, I did a duelly run, about 30 miles distance, around 75mph, on my way to an interview. All was fine till I got to the place, and clunked something going over the speed bump, at a speed where I almost didn't reach the top of the bump, they were harsh!


Water level light starts flashing, I notice temp is now creeping towards 110c but luckily, I'm 20seconds away from parking. Kill the engine and notice no over-run on the fan. Luckily, no water spraying from any hoses!


Ace the interview (yes, I was offered the job) and two hours later I'm on a 60-65mph drive back with the temp needle just below the 110c mark most of the way.


Today has been the first chance to look at it and I've looked around on this forum and it's been pretty helpful. So here's what I've done:


Given it happened after the speedbump clunk, I've checked the obvious wires, but all in all they are where they should be. However, I have another thread lined up regarding a few 'extra wires'...


Checked fuses under the dash, all fine.


Checked the rad sender switch by bridging the contacts. Stage one fan works, stage two doesn't. Checked the black thermoswitch and stage three works, god is it noisy though!!


I then checked the rad control box (the one in front of the coolant res). The 5amp fuse was cooked, the 20amp fine and the 50amp, although fine, is a little furred at one end. With no replacement 5amp, I've been doing checks with a 10amp.


Last check was on the yellow thermoswitch, the over-run check. Now although I got the fans to kick in, I wasn't sure if the aux water pump was making a noise, and just ignition on, off, produces no noise. The fan over run is something I've been used to so it's odd it now no longer works.


The fans don't kick in where they should, and only stage one for less than a minute, high up the temp scale, so here are my questions.


Would the 10amp fuse make a big difference in any of the tests I've done?


What should I be looking at to check why stage two fan speed isn't working?


Should the aux pump be obviously noticable when running? I really couldn't hear it over the fan when I bridged the connections on the yellow thermo switch.


Have I missed anything? I've not got a volt meter so can't check any voltages yet.


Cheers in advance for the help guys.

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Just got hold of a 5amp fuse (for the control box) and tried again, however when the temp gauge got to around 85-90deg (in a short space of time), the connector on top of the aux water pump, the one you cant quite see as it's under the HT lead shroud, started smoking. I killed the engine at this point as I'm now not sure what the next step is. I still couldn't hear the pump after the ignition had been switched off. Do these pumps seize as it were?

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