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need help with g60

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While accelerating on the autobahn, the car feels like it has a drag to it, then after a little while with the pedal burried, something happens and the car accellerates like its supposed to. It lags up to 2500 rpm, then between 2500-4000 rpm's you can feel the engine nudging the car forward as if something was trying to make the electrical contact. Then after 4000 rpm's the power is back like it's supposed to be. I don't know what it is or where to begin to look, but it feels like it's something electronic is causing this.


I did a tune up over the winter, plugs, cap rotor and wires, everything seemed to be good then. The car idles fine, and drives normal. I only notice the lag when I floor it and over half way up the RMP range is when the true power finally kicks in. I was thinking maybe the WOT switch, but I multimeter'd it, and it works fine. No smoke, white or black. No funny noises or anything else out of the ordinary, just hesitation.


Someone mentioned doing a throttle body adjustment, how do I do that? Is it just a cleaning? Please give me some more details and other things I should be looking at.


i took out distrubitor to inspect it and the sequence and positioning is all messed up from previous owner how do i fix that???

Edited by ffastshifter

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