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Over 100 Corrado Magazine Articles On Ebay

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Thanks - just bought a few of the articles that I'd never seen before. Cheers.

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Would be nice to get them all scanned to share on line for the Corrado community

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OSV, that was my original idea - to start a Corrado library. I collected articles, press stuff and models from literally around the world. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time and now need the money for my latest project.

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Would be nice to get them all scanned to share on line for the Corrado community


Well if we all buy a few articles, we can look to do this. Certainly I'll scan the few that I bought.

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Having started listing my Corrado collection, I have come to realize that I am actually quite addicted to all things Corrado and despite needing the money - selling the collection is a mistake, which I know I'll regret.


What I will do though is look at OSV's suggestion. It may take a while, but I'll see if I can share stuff with the Forum.


I may not own a C at the moment, but there is a reasonable chance I will again some day :-)

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D'oh! I'd been enviously eying up a couple of your models only to see that you'd ended the items early! Would be excellent to share the articles as and when you can.

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Yeah sorry about that, but having sold only a couple of items I started getting withdrawal symptoms :-)


Selling my last Corrado VR6 was heart breaking as it was my pride and joy, but I needed the money for a house deposit. Despite currently needing the money to buy a new motor, I don't want to make the same mistake with my collection of Corrado stuff (it would be impossible to replace!!).


Whilst I don't have a C at the moment, there is a very good chance I'll end up with another one at some point


Finally, I'll also look at starting a threat about models and merchandise (if there is not one already out there??)

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Not sure if there is another thread, but I had a look on the web after I'd been tempted by your stuff and found a US company that's still selling the1/18 Revell Corrado models - they had 5 left (now 4!) in Aqua blue and one in Dark Burgundy, so have ordered one from them - hopefully it'll make it through the post in the next couple of weeks!


If anyone else is interested in the last few that they have the website is shown below, but as to whether they're reliable is yet to be seen!


http://www.greatmodels.com/~smartcart/cgi/display.cgi?item_num=REV08878 for the aqua blue

http://www.greatmodels.com/~smartcart/cgi/display.cgi?item_num=REV08877 for the dark burgundy


Bizarrely the burgundy model is $6.15 more expensive!

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Glad you had a change of heart. If you do manage to scan stuff in, I'll be sure to scan the two articles I bought from you to contribute!

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I'm sure you are aware of this, however just be careful you don't get hit with UK import tax. I have bought stuff in the US before at a reasonable price then customs add their bit, making things quite expensive. If you can, you're better finding stuff in the EU - no import tax.


Hope this helps.


P.S. Out of 25+ models in my collection, the Revell 1:18s are still my favourite :-)

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