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Strange noise on start up

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Mostly happens when the engine is cold, sometimes when it is started after being on a little run (semi-warm)


Only happens on start up, never any other time - sounds like a belt of some sort, not sure. I can only describe as, errm, ahem *aruuuuuuha* - mid pitched noise only last for a second or so.


I know it's a bit vague, but I have searched the forums for two days now and either missed similar threads, or there are none. (I expect the former!)


Thanks for any help.



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Hi Chris,


it would appear to be either the starter motor not disengaging quick enough or a belt slipping...I think I stumbled across a similar thread a while back. Sorry I can't be much more help! It always did it in my hands as well!


How's it going?


I'm still getting used to life post-VR! (Hence me still hanging around on the forum!!). Getting used to the Golf though, good fun when you wind it up a bit!!





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Yea, not so sure about the starter motor - sounds more belt based but i'm still unsure. I'll get someone to start the car while i stick my head under the bonnet and see if I can tell where it is coming from.


Car's running sweet as Tim, have to try and remember to keep checking the oil and the power steering fluid though. Getting a Cat1 alarm fitted to it shortly (need to for insurance, plus want to anyway living round here!) and I have a nifty pager alarm thing to hook up too, which should give me more peace of mind.


Got my insurance sorted properly the next day - £1540 full comp under my own name, which I was kinda pleased about (still a lot I know, but not too bad. Some companies wouldn't insure anything with my postcode! and got a £6500 quote from one company! lol


Anyway, gonna take some nice piccies of the car this weekend (provided the weather is good) so i'll post the link when i get some stuff online.


Anyway, back on topic (so I don't get stressed at!) - i'll let you know if I find out what the noise is.

Anyone else any ideas?

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might be the bearing in the serpentine belt tensioner. stick a screwdriver on the bolt in the midle of the pulley and put your ear on the other end of it and see if you can hear or feel the bearing rumbling.


see my thread on replacing it. should be easy to find with the search

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