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Windscreen trim, replace or stick it in?

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The trim above my windscreen popped out the other day, pretty much the full width across. It now pops out at high speed which is very annoying. It's not damaged so providing it's supposed to be held in with some sort of adhesive I'd be happy with that.

If so what should I stick it in with?

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Stuck mine down with black silicone sealant, clear would do too. It should be a snug fit but windscreen cutters rarely get the screen bonded in exactly the right position, letting them drop a little.

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Cheers for that David, I was planning on doing that but wanted to make sure nobody said "don't sick it in or the will be stuck in forever" or something daft along them lines.

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I used Black Silicone sealer in mine too. It used to pop out when I went over a certain speed and make a hell of a racket! Been nice and snug for a year or so now :)

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Stuck mine down with black silicone sealant, clear would do too. It should be a snug fit but windscreen cutters rarely get the screen bonded in exactly the right position, letting them drop a little.


windscreen cutters :lol: that's my phone talking, should have been windscreen fitters :)

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