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Aberdeen corrado owners

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That's the place.Just wondering because I kind of know the bloke who bought it,and the dealer he bought it from has had some...errr...shall we say,ropey?motors in the past.

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Yeah I know the car. It was for sale in Volkscenter a couple of years ago, or maybe last year. The guy who bought it from there took it to one of our Duthie Park meets. It is the same car who got "Blown" away by my G60. The insident that Roddy refers to. So you should be safe to give it a wee run for its money... :p

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Thanks for the inside knowledge.I haven't seen it on the road since it was bought and thats about 2 months ago,so I was kind of guessing that it was off the road due to "technical problems" :lol:

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