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Urgent Help Corrado

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hi guys lookin for a bit of help...I have an 1990 1.8 16V Corrado that refuses to start,,, this is what i have tried so far I checked for spark and tot it was weak so I changed the disturbutor for a new one and changed the ignition amp and also had a known working ECU and an ignition switch and tried that as well still no joy,,,, when I try to start it it back fires and trys to start but wount on the fuel side I pulled out the injectors and bridged the fuel pump relay and lifted the metering head flap and am gettin a good spray from the injectors also checked both fuel pumps and am getting good fuel pressure to the metering head,,, then i checked the timing both cam marks are faceing each other 3 o clock and 9 o clock the cam pulley mark lines up with the cam cover mark and also the crank shaft pulley mark lines up with the timing cover mark, up to this the car was driving perefct and while driving it misfired but kept going and then when I stoped it would not start again, any help or ideas in regards to this probelm would be greatly appricated Thanks Marty

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When did this start then, what did you do just before you had these symptoms ? Did you change the cam belt ? If you have a spark and fuel then it sounds like timing problems, have you made sure its at TDC when you checked the markings ? Have you taken out spark plug 1 then put a thin stick down the hole to check tdc ?


This is what i would do;


1)check the tdc and timing marks

2)check all ht leads are on the right spark plug are in good condition and are pushed on properly

3) check the dizzy cap is on the right way round and the rotor arm is correctly mounted.


Anything you have checked/touched on the car go over again slowly to make sure its nothing obvious, if you've checked and double checked then it looks like some sort of hardware failure.


I have many a time been caught out with doing something like not pushing on a ht lead properly, then you get symptoms, then panic, then feel really silly when you find out what it was.


Good luck.

Edited by daleyboy

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Have you checked ignition timing ? if you changed the dizzy cap did youm ake sure it was timied up properly, i. e using a timing light

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hey guys thanks for all the replies ... i got her sorted i done a resitance test on the plug leads to day and all bar one showed low resitance .... changed the plug leads and put in new plugs and she fired up straight away also took her out fora run and to my suprize she seems to have more low down grunt .... once again thanks for all the replies this forum is a home from home......

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hey guys thanks for all the replies ... i got her sorted i done a resitance test on the plug leads to day and all bar one showed low resitance .... changed the plug leads and put in new plugs and she fired up straight away also took her out fora run and to my suprize she seems to have more low down grunt .... once again thanks for all the replies this forum is a home from home......


Good man, i like a happy ending.......... :dance:

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