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Corrado body panels South Wales/Bristol area???

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Hey all,


After someone kindly reversing into me I am on the lookout for a late drivers side front wing. Thinking about mixing it up a bit so if anyone has an early bonnet I'd be interested also. Panels preferably in L041 black but as it's proving pretty difficult to find them close enough, any will will do! Located in Swansea so if anyone is close enough please get in touch! Badly want to get this sorted now.


Thanks everyone,



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Is anyone thinking about going to Bristol Volksfest? Just hoping if anyone is, and who has a drivers late wing or any of the panels I've mentioned a deal could be done there! Please help!

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Got a late bonnet, which is in good nick. It's located 15 mins from Bristol Volksfest. You could collect it on the way back or something if you wanted it.

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Thanks for the reply guys. Cazza VR, I already have a late bonnet, looking for an early one as I'm thinking of changing it up a bit but thanks for the offer. Captain Redeye, definitely interested in the wing. Is it still attached to the car? if the front edge of the arch of the wing is flush/in-line with the front bumper its a late one, they were wider than the earlier wings. Let me know if you can! would be easy to just pick it up at volksfest. Thanks.

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i still have that early bonnet,not sure at the mo if i'm going to bristol,but i'm only

25 mins down the road


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Hi rodmax, could still be interested in the bonnet. What colour was it again? Could you PM a contact number and if I can maybe pop over or summit on that Sunday if you're close to the volksfest? And captain redeye, any word on that wing?


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Soooo, didn't make it to volksfest due to being a useless hungover b*****d. Still on the lookout, mainly for a late wing really close enough to collect! Bumpety bump :-)

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Help! A late drivers side wing in L041 black, or any colour really. Please get in touch if you have one! My car is lookin poo with a bashed up wing.

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If it helped i may be able to bring the bonnet down to the severn bridge


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Will be be at the Wales volksfest in carmarthen this weekend if anyone is going?? Am desperate for a late drivers wing!! Please let me know if you have one! Thanks.

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Still no wing!! next hope, and hopefully quite a realistic one is edition 38. Going up for the saturday and sunday, so if anyone has a late drivers wing, and early bonnet preferably in L041 black but not too fussy as long as they're in good condition. And also a 50mm splitter? Please help anyone! Thanks.

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