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VR6 fuel pump advice needed!

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Hi all, so my fuel pump died the other day so I got it trailered home, bought a new pump and went about fitting it (I've never fitted one before btw)


I got the old one out fine and tried to transfer the hoses from the old over to the new but it quickly became apparent that it wasn't going to happen and that I needed new hoses and the top bit that screws into the top of the fuel tank. I have since learned that this is called the sender unit and that it is now obsolete. :(


My question is what part do I need that can do the same job? Is it the same as a Mk3 Golf VR6 unit?


Any help on this is appreciated as I use my car everyday and being without it is a pain!



My car is a 1995 Corrado VR6 btw

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I could do but the hoses are very old and wont come off the old without cutting them and then the new attachment wouldn't be as secure.


This problem must have been encountered before? If not then it's gonna be an on going one what with the part being made obsolete!

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