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Have I ruined my power steering pump

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I had a complete brain fart today and ran my power steering pump dry for approx 10 mins. Id been doing jobs on the front end so had drained the power steering fluid. To cut a long story short I completely forgot to refill with PAS fluis and I started up the car and left it idling for around 10 - 15mins. Did NOT turn the wheel during this time.


Now Ive refilled with fluid and bled the system (did a few turns lock to lock, Half assed attempt really as Id resigned myself to the fact Id ruined the pump already).


Anyway pump is noisey now. I was too ****ed off to continue so I just left it. Ive been in a foul humour all evening. So my question is there any chance the pump is fine and I just need to do a proper bleed or is it screwed because they cant be run dry even for a minute (according to internet research).


Oh and its a G60 so pump is specific to to the car.

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The pump probably won't be too happy being run dry.


But a proper bleed is worth it for the cost of replacing the pump.


Fingers crossed

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Probably knackered it - did you prime it first after filling it?


I'd just go for a drive and do some figure of 8's in a car park (lock to lock) - if the PAS is working ok and it's just noisey you might get away with it, the noise will go once the air's made it's way out of the system.

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It can take a while for the pump to quieten down.. but as Steve said it does need hand priming first to get fluid moving round the system and you should give it a few mins of lock to lock turning to see if it quietens down.


Good possibility you've borked it though :(

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No I didnt hand prime it. I figured after 10 mins of running dry it was a lost cause.


Heres how my mind was working at the time


"ah screw it, its been running dry for 10mins, its knackered. Just throw the bloody fluid in anyway and see what happens. Theres a tiny chance its ok. Ill do a few turns lock to lock, it might come good. No, youve ****ered it. Lock up the shed and have a glass of jack"


Ill try the bleeding procedure properly again today. Never quit, never surrender right. ?

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In my experience you just fill the system up with fluid and turn it lock to lock with the engine running (preferably front jacked off the gound) until all the bubbles make their way out of the rack and it quietens down, this will also happen from regular driving eventually too.

The pumps can be spun round by hand with the belt off and fluid in the system but that won't make any difference to the rack and they seem to fill with fluid fine whether you prime them by hand or not.

I reckon you've done the pump in, but the noise of air in the rack has nothing to do with noisy bearings in the pump, the pump should be quiet from first start of the engine unless the belt is too tight or loose and slipping.

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mine took a couple of days before it quitened down after flushing and re-filling.... hold off writing it off until all the air is out of the system... even a small amount will make it noisy...

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Thanks to everyone for their advice.


The news is good. I went out and tried it today. No noise at all on start up. I did some lock to lock just for the sake of it and I drove around the yard in some figure of 8's. All is quiet and power steering works as it should.

It must have settled itself over night. Maybe I caused premature wear or whatever but for the moment its working fine.


Nice to get a bit of luck for a change.

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