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Bad / Pulsing Idle & Faulty Speedo

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A couple of things…


My C 16V 2.0 is idling / pulsing from 1000 – 1200 RPM causing the car to lurch when coming to a stop. I’m forced to depress the clutch to 2/3’s of the way every time I’m crawling to a stop or am stopped (depressing the clutch slightly stops the irritating pulsing RPM’s allowing idle to sit still as normal). FYI it doesn’t do it from start-up / cold, only does it when engine gets hot.


All hoses / seals look tight, from what I can see. ISV has been completely removed and thoroughly cleaned, still no joy?? My hunch is the LAMBDA sensor, possibly another sensor maybe, dirty connectors even.


Anyone experienced this before or have any idea how to sort this out? It's driving me nuts




On the same day it started idling / pulsing funny my speedo stopped working as well! Rest of the cluster works fine, just the speedo has gone faulty. Not sure whether the two problems are linked or not (I doubt it but worth mentioning) – Is this a common problem?


Any help would be great.


Cheers guys,


Ten Ton

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