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Monthly Corrado Meet - Sat 15th Dec - German Market, Birmingham (No cars)

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Hi everyone,


So this month I'm taking a cop out and mixing in with the German Market Meet Eric has planned.


This is on Sat 15th in Birmingham.


Its a fun day, we will meet up around 12-1pm, and intend to enjoy the German food, beers, mulled wines and chatter.


The more the merrier !!!


Some good last minute shopping ideas there too !!!!


Will update final details nearer the time.



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Some more info, copied from another forum :)


To finish off the year 2012, during the winter month of December, when many a Rado has gone into hibernation, this is the last chance to meet up with like-minded people. What better way for afficionados of German cars to meet up at an Ur-German event, the German Xmas market, the biggest one outside of Germany is held in Birmingham.


Meet up at the fountain on Victoria Square in Birmingham (10 minutes walk from New Street Train Station) at 13:00 on Saturday, 15th December. Last chance too for some late Xmas shopping.


Map: http://goo.gl/maps/XL5Dl



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This one's a bit far for me but I'll keep my eye out in case there's another closer to Oxford



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This one's a bit far for me but I'll keep my eye out in case there's another closer to Oxford



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Hop on the train, Fay - then you can have a few bevvies :) The market is located right next to Birmingham New Street station...

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Hop on the train, Fay - then you can have a few bevvies :) The market is located right next to Birmingham New Street station...


Now that's a good idea Jim! Will try to talk the wife into a day out......

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My only advice is - if you're claustrophobic, avoid it.. once you're in the scrum of people at the market you can barely move - I can't describe quite how busy it gets!

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Try Münster in Germany or indeed the actual Frankfurt market ... Only difference is you won't hear any Brummies :lol:



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Hop on the train, Fay - then you can have a few bevvies :) The market is located right next to Birmingham New Street station...


hmm... tempting! Are people out all day, maybe dinner and drinks in the evening, or is this just a meet at the market? Not keen on the idea of sitting on a train for 4+ hours if the meet is only for a couple of hours...

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hmm... tempting! Are people out all day, maybe dinner and drinks in the evening, or is this just a meet at the market? Not keen on the idea of sitting on a train for 4+ hours if the meet is only for a couple of hours...


I'm staying in Birmingham most of the day because a different group of friends are coming up for about 7pm who I've promised to meet up with too... so will be there from midday till about 11pm for the last train home. If you still wanted to stick around, I'm sure you'd be welcome to tag along with them too! :)

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Another grpup is staying till the end of the market, which last year was around 9pm, or so.



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Thanks Jim, that's really kind :) I've checked train prices and I'm going to give it a miss cos I've spent a bit too much on Christmas presents but I'm determined to make it to a meet in the new year. I'd also promised to watch a rugby match with my dad which I'd completely forgotten about! Hope you all have a good day!

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Ah nevermind Fay!


Was looking a bit doubtful for me last night - had to hit the hay early feeling decidedly under the weather and whilst I'm not 100% this morning, I do feel better enough to make the trip out for a few hours :)

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It turned out to be a good decision for me too - had some friends round for Christmas drinks last night and we were still up at 5am, so I'm not feeling my most lively today! Hope you're feeling ok today Jim

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Sounds like you made the right decision then Fay! 5am is pretty good going :p


Yeah we made it out and had a good time. Left Eric, Chris and his other half at about 7pm to go meet up with my other friends and ended up staying in town till gone 11pm and having to run to get the last train home. Bit fuzzy headed this morning! Not heard from Eric or Chris yet so no idea how they are :)

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Not heard from Eric or Chris yet so no idea how they are


All fine here. Had a few more at my place after we got turfed off the market at 21:00, relaxed brekkie this morning, and Chris and Britt left at around 15:00 or so after a few more coffees and cakes :)


No meets in sight for quite some time now.



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