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Insurance Guidance

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Guys hi,


I wonder if anyone can help point me in the right direction.

Are any of you working in Companies with collegues from abroad and company vehicles.


I am needing to obtain some Company Vehicle Insurance.


2 employees to be named drivers.


I -= 30 years old, UK resident, no fines etc etc etc etc. License 12 years


1 = 55 years old, Canadian, resident here for 16 months. Licence for 35 years, no fines, convictions etc etc



There has not previously been any Company vehicles, so no no claims to use.


Vehicle - just a 1.9 GT TDI Golf , year approx 2001, value £2500.00


The best quote I have is £2454.07 !! - due to the no claims.

I am also understanding the Canadians residency being below 3 years is also a problem.


Online sites can't help as this is out of the ordinary.


Any help would be appreciated.


Cheers Wendy

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Is there a possibility to replace Canadian driving license to UK ones ?? It might help.

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Thanks, It has been already done though.


We are discussing here, do we need to disclose that he is Canadian ?

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