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The VR6 Owners Club - New Website!

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Hi everyone,


I've been a little quiet on here being winter and all! but I have been busy creating a new Design for The VR6 Owners Club that I'm now ready to announce!


It's mostly written in HTML5, and uses alot of jQuery and responsive style sheets, meaning that it looks fantastic on any sized device! (desktops, mobiles, tablets etc...)


I've also created an interactive "user bar" where you can log in & out / manage profile and be notified of new private messages, this will also be expanded to incorporate new website notifications.


Tapatalk is in development for VR6OC, and hopefully will have something for user testing within the next month.


Please feel free to head over there, say hi :) and post any feedback regarding the new design! I'm currently aware of an issue when using S2 / S3 devices where the images in the forums do not display - this is under investigation :)


The website, if you dont know already is... http://www.vr6oc.com/


Catch you later!



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Looking good Pete- well done 8) Have noticed it's been a little slow of late...

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The old site was fundamentally flawed in terms of the navigation and made things difficult to find!


The new design is far better and has a lot if scope for improvements.


Winter sucks especially with us seasonal folk! Christmas is expensive and I've not even thought about working on my car for months!


I've only just started getting the enthusiasm again so hopefully it will be "finished one day" soon :-)

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You end every sentence with an exclamation mark!

This is very exciting!

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Indeed! I was adding some excitment as it it is very exciting being able to break down the statistics :)


I will be coding up a search builder that will make the data more interesting to look at

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