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polybushed wishbone help

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im currently fitting polybushes to my front suspension.took the wishbone to work and pressed the sleeve into the rear bush and then did the rubber. tryed to refit the wishbone to the car and for the life of me i can not get the rear bolt to go in. the polybush wont sit square in the subframe so the bolt is at an angle and therefore wont screw into subframe. the subframe has a raised 3/4 ring on the bottom and top of the opening, i can only guess that the bush is fouling on this. ive tryed everything i can think of, jacking the wishbone up.


any ideas? what techniques have others used?

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Hello there,


I've fitted these polybushes before on my Corrado,

I just coated the bushes with a bit of EP grease and pushed the bushes into the wish bone arm,

then coated the sleeve with grease and pushed that in until it went in a quarter, then gently tapped it in all the way.


Then put a bit of grease over the rear wish bone bush at the top and bottom,

just to help it slide in to the sub frame as these polybushes are a little thicker than the standard bushes,

after that I slid the rear part of the arm in the sub frame followed by the front front part.

The wishbone won't sit central if it's court on the anti roll bar or if the bottom ball joint is hitting on the lower part of the hub housing.


These lower wishbone arms can be a bit of an arse to fit back in when you've fitted the thicker polybushes,

you've got to make sure that the wishbone goes in flat and central,

starting with the rear bush of the arm going in first, and then to get the front bush of the arm in next,

if you don't have a little grease on both outer sides of the rear bush it can catch and be tight to get in,

hence the ( the subframe has a raised 3/4 ring on the bottom and top of the opening )


Hope this helps


Si :thumbleft:

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There are a fiddle to get in. I think when i did mine i connected the ball joint up loosely, then slide the rear bush into place. Then it was a case of using a jack to push up the suspension from under the wheel hub/bearing housing and levering the front bush into place.

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2 more questions. I noticed I had 18mm bushes sent to me and I have a vr6 so its a 20mm anti roll bar I rang my supplier who got onto polybush and there response is that they supply the same 18mm bush for all the models including vr6. Surely this can't be right how is a bush with a hole 2mm to small going to fit? Anyone else experienced this and did you just stick a g clamp on it and pull the clip down?


Next question is when dropping back of subframe to get to the anti roll bar and bushes do you have to support the engine in any way or is it good enought to just hold middle of the subframe and allow the engine to drop slightly with it?

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