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Radiator fans permanantly on.

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Evening chaps,


I've got a bit of an issue with my VR6.


I took her for an MOT on Saturday and she sailed straight through again but to do the emissions test they ran her until the fans cut in and they've not stopped yet.

Whenever the ignition is on the fans are going. I reckon they're going full blast too, they make a hell of a racket.


I disconnected the fan motor to drive it home and since then I've so far replaced the big brass fan switch in the radiator and the yellow and black sensors in the thermostat housing. None of this has made any difference.


At the moment I've got the black sensor disconnected.


I'm now suspecting the fan control module, does anybody agree? Is there any way of testing it?


What's inside one of these black boxes? Anything that can be repaired?


I got in touch with my local TPS earlier to price one up and they tell me the part number (1HO 919 506) is now obsolete. Can anybody tell me the difference between mine and a 3AO 919 506 or a 357 919 506? They all look the same to me.


Apologies for the barrage of questions but I'm a bit lost with this.

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