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G60 supercharge lag!

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I have a G60 corrado with supposedly a stage 5 rebuild and a no lag chip fitted!

But boost kicks in around 3000rpm and doesn't feel overly quick!

Is this normal? Thanks

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nope.... boost in a G60 should be present as soon as you use the throttle pedal... Do you have a boost/vacuum gauge fitted to see what's actually going on? Very much worth getting one fitted it you haven't... :)


The SNS no-lag technology doesn't reduce boost lag as you'd get in a Turbo while it spools up, as G60s don't suffer from this kind of lag due to the way they work... While the G60 engine is running, it's always producing positive boost. The throttle body bypass (the vent on the bottom) allows the engine to not use some of the positive pressure boost when it's not required (like on idle or on deceleration) so you'll never actually get a boost lag from a G60 supercharger setup...


The SNS No-Lag map removes the "lag" when the ECU switches over from using the lambda and other sensors to using the WOT map, which, on a well tuned engine can feel like a bit of a pause when you floor it as the ECU switches mode, works out what's going on and where it is in the map, then adjusts the fuelling/timing according to the map...


Your 3000rpm kick would suggest to me that your timing is out on the engine... I'd be checking that the cam is timed up properly and not a tooth out if I were you, as it's very easy to get this wrong on a G60 (I've done it myself!) and it makes the car drive very differently from how it should.... very flat at the bottom end, then a sudden rush at about 3K, but no real "go!" to it to speak of....

Edited by Henny

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Okay I thought it was a bit strange! Could it be a boost leak?


And it has the standard mfa boost gauge which reads 1980 in 3rd!


Would it be worth replacing the no lag chip for the standard one? As I don't no if it had a remap? Or will this not make a difference


Also the throttle body by pass has no pipe on the bottom? It's just straight to atmosphere, creating a loud sneeze/dump when throttle let of!


Okay I will have to check the cam timing as this is the symptoms the car is suffering from! I've seen people do cam changes? Recommend keeping standard or upgrading?


Thanks a lot!

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OK, Sitting comfortably? ;)


Yes, a boost leak could cause this kind of issue, although with it "boosting" over 3000rpm, I'd still be more inclined to say it's a timing issue...


I can't remember off the top of my head what the MFA readings should be.... There's a thread on here somewhere that'll tell you if that's good or not. Use the search to find it... ;)


An SNS anti-lag chip IS a remap chip.... it should have been spec'd to match whatever changes have been made to your engine, probably around the time it was Stage 5'd and it's probably had a smaller pulley installed to give it more boost, so would have needed the new chip to be able to use that properly without melting the engine....


The Boost return pipe delete is often done.... apparently it's good for a couple more BHP when it's hot outside (you're not trying to re-compress hot boost making it hotter, only taking in air from outside into the charger), but the noise always used to bug me, so I only ran with mine off for about a week, then put it back on again! The fact that you're getting a loud sneeze goes to show you're getting boost to the throttle body again, in my mind at least, pointing to timing rather than a boost leak...


Setting cam timing can be a sod on the G60... there's two little dots on the cam wheel which have to be on either side of a small pointer on the cam cover... on the other side of the cam wheel, there's a single dot, which has to line up with something too which is nigh-on impossible to see (I can't remember off the top of my head what it is supposed to line up with though.... too many beers tonight!:o) It's very easy to get it a tooth out when using the twin dots, as it doesn't always line up 100%, so I always (after I got it wrong!) used to turn the engine over a few times by hand, and then re-check the timing marks are spot on. Also be aware that there are 2 timing marks on the fly-wheel... one is TDC, the other is the 6degrees marker... make sure you use the TDC mark when timing up the cam! ;)


Cam changes can have a good effect on G60s... basically anything that helps them breath in or out better will make a marked difference to a G60... Be aware though, that to get the best out of any modifications like this, you'll need to get a map (chip) to suit the modifications... ;) The standard cam is actually pretty good, so unless you're on a real hunt for every last bit of power you can get out of a G60 (and have VERY deep pockets and lots of patience!) or are planning a few modifications and will get a remap to suit all of the changes, then I wouldn't bother... :)

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Okay thanks a lot for all that!


I checked the timing and the previous marks (white paint) were In line and as far as I could see it was In time!


The previous person could have marked it up wrong and the paint is in the wrong place tho?


I didn't go of the actual markings as i couldn't see the marks on the fly wheel!


And okay I'm more inclined for keeping it standard and not spending to much money, so original cam sounds good!

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yeah, from experience, I always ignore white paint timing marks if I didn't make 'em myself! you never know what they're supposed to line up with and if they were just there for a cam-belt change, not setting the timing...

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