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rado mc

KR Gas flow or not?

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After chatting about this at Haigh Hall show with others, I'm tempted to look into it.


What are peoples thoughts on this that have had it done, worth while or not?

recommendations and places to send it and most importantly costs?


Thanks in advance

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it's expensive to get done well (£600+) as there's a lot of skilled work involved, but the result can be a more efficient, smoother and potentially 10-15% more powerful head, it's really nice to have done if you need a head rebuild anyway, e.g. worn exhaust guides.

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Thanks for the responses,


Thought it might be a couple of hundred tops not 6 :( that's soon killed the dream then.



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Got bills coming through my door nearly everyday mate then not to mention mortgage.


Getting a bit ahead of myself really tbh, I've only driven it 50ft after all since the engine swap. Can be such an impatient dreamer sometimes.

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