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VCDS , misfire detection disabled

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Hi all,

I've tried to access the misfire count 014 and 015 (I think) but the 4th box says the status as Disabled,

Does anyone know how or if I can turn it on,

Engine is a 24valve AUE

I have a registered copy of VCDS,



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there's no certain way of doing it no, but usually blipping throttle or taking it for a drive with MVB's reading can enable it :)

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so it only counts the misfires when under load or high revs?

and if misfores accured whilst it being enabled, then they would get logged in 014 and 015?????

my misfire counts are always0, which is a good thing, unless if the misfire detection never gets enabled,

could I monitor and log the misfire status, enabled/disabled over a period and if so how do I do that



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no, it's meant to count on idle/no load, but as you've found they can sometimes be stuck in 'disabled', but giving it a little rev (not high revs) or just driving along with load coming on and off you can make the detection switch between enabled and disabled, it's not guaranteed but always worth a try.


I think it's channel 15 and 16 actually, cyls 1,2,3 on 15 cyls 4,5,6 on 16.


If it never swaps to enabled no it'll never count any misfires!


Yeah you should be able to log it with VCDS yes, it's at the bottom of the screan

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