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Alex P

Moto GP

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Just wondering if anyone on here watches the Moto GP bike racing and what peoples views are on the domination of Marc Marquez so far throughout the season?

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Watched first few races but its become boring like f1 was when vettel was bossing it.

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Used to watch it all the time and even went to a few races. Ive not seen a single race this season though and sounds like Im not missing much.

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I have to admit it hasnt been the most interesting of seasons so far, seems rare to get a good fight for pole position. There has been one or two races which have been alright but you dont even have to watch it now to know who is going to win.. no one can match Marquez. Ive always been a Rossi fan and would like to see him lead again but it seems he just cannot match the Hondas pace what so ever and I dont think Pedrosa has it in him anymore to be a real challenge either.


Think I'm still going to Silverstone to see the race as its only around the corner from me so im hoping for a more interesting race there :shrug:

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Last year at silverstone it was a good fight between marquez and lorenzo. I was there on the start line to see lorenzo knick it at the end

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I enjoy watching it but is a bit boring with marquez winning all the time. I would like to see what he can do on another bike. He has some talent that's for sure but wonder how much of that is the bike.

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I agree with that Swompy I would admit he is a good rider but until he can prove his worth on another bike Ill still think its a lot down to that Honda as they are undoubtedly the top team.


Sounds like you found a good place to watch Jon! Im hoping for a race as interesting as that this year not wanting a 2 lap race to find out the winner as too many have been so far!

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We were on the viewing platform at the girlfriends school (teacher) silverstone utc

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