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Ebay chip

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When considering an Ebay tuning chip I struggled to find any reviews. Anyway I opted for one for my 2.0 16v and the results so far are good. Seems much more eager low down revs and pulls well. MPH seemed to have gone up loads, but I wasn't doing my everyday run so I'll have more of an idea in a week or so.


I wouldn't say it turned the car into a powerhouse, but for the cash it seemed a good buy.


Anyway, here she is with her new Schmidt's (she got spoilt at Xmas)



Edited by MZpog

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How did the longer term test with the chip go then? I've got one that I've had for ages & never fitted, do you think it's worth doing?

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How did the longer term test with the chip go then? I've got one that I've had for ages & never fitted, do you think it's worth doing?


Not had use of it for the last week as it ran out of electricity and I need a new alternator. will update in a week or so.

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Doh!! Ok , let us know when you've tried it, cheers.


Will see how it goes after a week of normal traffic filled driving, that way I'll get a better idea about the MPG. The driving experience/delivery of power seemed better.

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Ok, a bit more than a week but here goes.....I would recommend the chip. It drives better (more lively) and the MPG is good. My 12 mile commute is made up of 50% country roads (sometimes fast), 25% village and 25% stop/start traffic which normally results in about 28-30 MPG which is possibly a bit better than before. This morning made 34 MPG as a bit clearer. 80 mile motorway run last week showed late 37-38 MPG.


Doddle to fit too.

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