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Removing 9a inlet manifold

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Afternoon all ;)


Before selling my 2.0 16v I'm changing the cam cover gasket as it's weeping slightly.


I'm trying to get the top inlet manifold off of the lower piece but the flange just wont separate. All nuts are undone, all vac lines connections, inlet pipe and the bracket at the back but even with a bit of persaution it just wont budge.


Has anyone got any suggestions to make it move? I was debating about heat, but didn't think that's a good idea! lol


Answers on a post card.... :thumbleft:

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....ok maybe I lied - I missed the bracket that's tucked away under the throttle body! Ooops! :bonk:


Had to be something simple

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Glad we could be of help ;-)


There is a guide for it on here somewhere that I need to dig out, as I have a shiny VW one waiting in my "new parts still to put on" bin. This seems to be getting fuller as the jobs havent been getting done.

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Lol - it was dead easy to be honest, just missed that one. Would have finished tonight if it wasn't for getting the wrong gasket set from VWH although I think that could have been my fault :)

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Quick question Andy,


Do you use any sealant when putting on the gasket? The reason I ask is I have been watching far too much Wheeler Dealers, and it seems to be a favourite of Ed China when putting any gaskets or seals on.


Its not something I thought you had to do?



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Hi Dougie


I wont on this one as it's a ribbed, rubber gasket with metal inner. The existing one didn't have any sealant. If using cork or card type gaskets then I always use a gasket sealer. MK1 Golfs are notorious for leaking cam covers - although mostly due to ill fitting/over torqueing the nuts. For the cork ones on these I'd seal it too as think every MK1 I've had has leaked at some point!


You only need 10nm on the cover nuts - it's tempting to over tighten them but they only need pinching up. A torque wrench is handy for this job!

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Good man Andy,


Hopefully I will remember this info in july when I finally get round to gtting it done! I have a torque wrench so thats good to know.


I really need to get my finger out!



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Thats me being optimistic! Just picked a month at random!


No time and the wee thing just keeps running and running without any problems. But I really do need to get the finger out, the garage is starting to look like a parts emporioum for the Corrado. (behind the trampolines and bikes and prams......)

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