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Length of left side drive axle plus joints changed?

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HI all,


I just changed the outer joint, because of a dead rubber boot.

I had to take the axle out complete, to make it easier.

To do this, I had to take off the two bolts holding the springstrut to the front Wheel hub.

And I had to take off the lowwer ball joint that connects the hub with the track arm, incl. it's three smaller bolts.


Now that I reassemble it all, my tracking is totally out, of course.


But if I loosen the two big bolts holding the spring strut to the front hub, I can tilt out the hub and make the Wheel stand apprx. horizontal.

But the toe out is quite extreme.


So I adjusted the lower ball to be a bit angeled and it helped a bit. But it's like the Wheel is simply too much out compared to the Wheel arch on the front wing.


Question 1:


Can the Whole driveaxle with both inner and outer joint be too long?


Question 2:


Can the new outer joint be too long? As in are there more models and this may not fit a G60? (which I asked for and ordered).


Question 3:


Can the inner joint be wrongly attatched to the gearbox, so that it protrudes say some 5-10mm, by for example not having turned the axle to a specific point in relation to the gearbox?

I am saying this, because it's all greased up and difficult to see, when inserting the 6 bolts and tensioning them to 45Nm.

And I was thinking that maybe there would be a specific place in insert the inner joint to the gearbox.


I have looked at the Whole axle and brake and inner joint, when spinning the Wheel around, and it runs true as in a perfect cirsle, not eccentric, as in if the coupling was missaligned.


Question 4:


Can the outer joint be inserted wrongly, not long enough in?

I have tensioned the big outer nut to 264Nm,

I also hammered the new outer joint on to the drive axle, as per description.

Before reassembeling it all, I tried to pull the new outer joint away from the drive axle to see, if it would be Loose, or come off, and it couldn't. But it kind of could move a bit forth and back.


I take this is supposed to be so, to be able to adjust for the different position of the suspension to front hub, when adjusting the two big bolts in this connection, to adjust the Wheel?


I write these last questions because I sould think that if say hte Whole driveaxle was somehow too long, as in protryding more outwards towards the Wheel, the steering ball joint behind, would be too short, thereby making and extreme tow out.

Is this theory also correct?


Any light on this is most appreciated.


Kind regards,


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Okay, I've just done something similar on a vr, so may not quite be the same...


First, I don't think the driveshaft will be too long, especially if it wasn't before.


For q3, the inner cv joint should be held on by a clip. If you haven't disturbed the inner joint (other than to remove it from the diff) then I don't think anything will have changed.


So check if the outer cv joint is fully home. Jack up that side and see whether there is any play in the wheel - there should be ZERO play. If there is play, then the cv joint needs pushing/whacking into the hub more.

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