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Supercharged Junkie

G60 Overhaul @ LowG, g-man & beavis

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Right i have about a grand(maybe more) to burn on my G60, so i thought you guys could help me spend it :lol:


I work nights, so i sleep allday so i haven`t got time to ring all you guys up to get quotes.

What am after is quotes for the following mods including VAT, labour....so on....


1. Desperately need a charger overhaul, I`ve had the car for 3years now and am not sure when; if ever the charger was last done.


2. Smaller 68mm pulley & SNS chip fitted


Anything else you think i might need to go along with these mods

Current engine specs are in my signature


PM the quotes





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You would really need to call,Would you really spend this much money on the basis of just a PM ? aslo i would need to know what your exact spec is of the car at the moment before offering out any advice on tuning it futher..... unfortunatly the specs in your sig are no way near enough to make the decision on what your car needs to take it to the next step . give me a call and we could work somthing out for you. :lol:

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LOL... Plenty of kit for 1k can be had. A nice oil cooler would be a good addition. But as Darren says, do call as indepth quotes for work on forum threads do not look the most professional.

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