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will 2

1994 2.0 16v no power at fuel pump

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tried to start my car after being laid up for a couple of years while doing some work on it, drove with no problems before, now for some reason there is no power getting to the fuel pump, checked the fuse and is ok had a look at the relay 167 no signs of corrosion on the relay but I don't know how to check if its ok

any ideas please



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I know what you mean about being laid up, mine's been hibernating for 7 years now..

Anyway, is the car kept inside? Corrosion could play havoc virtual anywhere on the electrics. Have you got an alarm fitted? Maybe the immobilized has tripped, cutting the feed. Try bridging the 30/50 contacts on the the fuse board, using a jumper wire, that way you will be directly feeding the fuel pump, isolating the rèle.

If not, prize open the rèle and manually touch the main contacts together with the ignition on and then see I the fuel pumps buzz.

Was the car left with no or low fuel in the tank? If yes, check that both pumps haven't seized.

Let me know how you get on.


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cars been outside sometimes covered,


alamed but seems to work as it did ,( car is always unlocked )


not sure how to go about bridging 30/50 ( diagram if poss be good )


low petrol

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Have you got a spare fuel pump relè? just incase yours is buggered.

I don't remember what type of relè was fitted to the 16v models that control the fuel pump but if you let me know the number i've got loads.

Grab a 12v test lamp, spare 'raddo indicator bulb holders are great, remove relè from fuse box, using the test lamp see if 12v+ is actually reaching the fuse box,

if you do have 12v at the terminals and the light lights you can exclude the feeds as your fine.

On the back of the relè the feet are numberes, 30, 50, 87, 87b etc with the ignition on use a fused piece of wire and insert into the fuse-board the corresponding 30/50 and see if the pumps buzz into life.

One quickish way of ascertaining if the pumps are stuck is to get hold of a small 12v battery, 2 lenghts of wire to attach to the battery using croc clips and feeding 12v+ direct to both pumps from the fuel float sender or wriggle under the car and jump the main pump itself to see if it runs.

Also try whacking the pump with a stout bit of wood, being carefull not to split the fuel pump plastic reservoir..

Can you make sense of all that?

Let me know how you get on..

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relay is number 167 , once it stops raining i'll crawl under and have a look at the pump and give it a thump :)


I will let you know how I get on


thanks gareth

Edited by will 2

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got it running at last, not sure what kicked it into life but one more problem sorted for now anyhow

Edited by will 2

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I've got a 1995 2.0 16v that quite often starts and then immediately cuts out. Sometimes it requires 3 or 4 tries before it actually stays running, then runs just fine. This morning, when it was cold, it wouldn't start at all. Tried at lunchtime with the sun shining on it and boom, started first time.


Could this be fuel pump related?

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