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Oil pump drive follower

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Hi guys. Just got a new drive follower for my oil pump due to my old one snapping due to my oil pump siezing. Just been to tps and got a new one on order. Quick question of do i need to get the bush that goes on top. When i took the broken one out there was a washer that broke in half, is this the bush or is it something else all together. Any helps would be great thanks. For anyone that has the screen that you can check all the parts its part number 021 115 279 that is number 12, im wondering about the number 7 item. Thanks guys

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Do you know if i need it. The washer thing came out but i dont think its the bush part as it costs £7 and for a plastic washer seems excessive. So would any plastic washer of the same size do? What did you do when you did yours?

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