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Blackberry VR6, It's making my shed in the garden look good..

Right, as promised earlier some pictures of said shed of a car.   Bonnet cable has snapped at the stupid little clip that attaches to the release handle, paint needs a lot of work, centre console is snapped as per usual on a late car (got a plastic welding kit on order along with some steel rod to reinforce it) and its generally very grotty right now.   It's had a two stage wash, first jet washed, then foamed with a universal degreaser (Megs universal degreaser 50/50 with warm water) jet w




Yandards' Blackberry VR6 - From shed to not so shed like (That's the plan..)

Collected the car this morning, in the cold hard sunlight as opposed to snow it looks terrible!   Run back was good, suprisingly rapid although I did drive down to get it in Mrs Yandards' 1.9 TDI Passat (90bhp, downhill with a trailing wind) so it was always going to feel quick.   Despite the camber being off the lowered springs were not too bad but I still intend to refit some factory items instead. Only snag on the run up was that it's stalling at junctions, factory airbox should help,



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