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More leaking bits..

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Got up this morning to find it wet outside :(


Not chucking it down but enough it make it a bit of a plop day car work wise. Decided to crack on anyway so after a brief trip to Halfrauds to pick up some bits I started modding the numberplate. Picked these up in Halfords with the aim of doing something like this:




Measured the new plastic screws, 4mm so out came the drill and a pair of 4mm holes were put in the panel using the remains of the old plastic lugs. Slight issue with the back of the plastic screw as it has a chamfer so I needed to countersink the number plate panel slightly.




Used the wheel arch liner captive nuts to give the plastic screws something to screw into. Trial fitted it and whilst it looked ok it also just look a bit too much like it wasn't supposed to be like that to me.




Some head scratching ensued as the guide sleeves in the Halfords kit were too small to just put in the holes in the boot; digging through my spares I found some grommits that are used with the door sill retaining clips - they fitted a treat and are also a nice tight fit on the Halfords guide sleeves. I also wanted to use a pair of screws to retain the numberplate panel in the middle area using the same technique as my first test - these will sit behind the numberplate when fitted so needed to be pretty close to a flush fit.




Quite pleased with the overall look, panel is nicely attached, shouldn't get water coming through into the boot and it looks like is supposed to be like that (in my eyes anyway). I also have the added bonus that I can remove the panel at will without needing a new one (which are only available via Classic Parts now :().


Rain was easing off so I wanted to get on with changing the heater matrix whilst the weather was ok, opended the passenger door to see a now familiar sight.




Some tell tale drips and a wet ABS ECU told me all I needed to know, the heater scuttle foliage cover seal was shot. Luckily I had already picked one up from VW as I was going to replace it as part of the heater matrix work.




During this the postman arrived with this:




Yay foam! So in an effort to stop having to keep mopping puddles out of the car I started replacing the passenger door membrane which was in a bit of a state. Cleaned up any signs of rust with the usual treatment of some Jenolite jelly and then painted with Zinga; bottom 1/3rd of the door had a good attack with some waxoil too.




First shot with the self adhesive foam saw it end up in a crumpled mess, used the old membrane as a template only to find it was too short. Finally ended up with a slightly ghetto looking door membrane but I have finally got the hang of working with a large sheet of self adhesive foam that has a tendancy to stick to itself!!




Final job for today was to remove the centre console and heater controls, got loads of pictures of what goes where but will update that little lot tomorrow. Going to be getting some practice in with the plastic welding kit that arrived on Friday, centre console is a usual late Corrado disaster with more cracks than a builders convention...


Oh and the bloody sound deadening is still drying out......




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