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About CorradoCymru

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    S Wales


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  • Occupation
    Avionics Technician
  1. yeah guys the brakes do need two pumps, one to take the slack and the next to stop me. anyway dropped the car into the garage this morning and should have it back on tuesday, it had to happen on a bloody bank holiday!!!
  2. Or what else i wanted to know was , can any other components lead to an earlier failure of the bearing?? Thanks
  3. I didnt see any of the work done but it was the front wheel, jacked the car up earlier and the whell just floped about. phoned the garage and they cant see it until tuesday. Can you make a broken bearing appear fixed, i.e pack it with grease???
  4. Hi, Recently changed my passenger side wheel bearing after it completely collapsed on me causing the disc to grind against the caliper making a god awful squel. :( This was about 2 months ago, and guess what?? :?: It's gone again, so what I wanted to know was could anything else be causing it to go or is it just s##t workmanship by the garage and dodgy parts. I dont know what parts they fitted by the way. cheers guys
  5. Hi, Don't drive the car, the bearing has totally gone!! :cry: It happened to me not more than 3 weeks ago, nothing and then the next day I drove it it sounded like someone dragging a fork across a blackboard. I thought it must have been something stuck in between the pads and disc so I jacked it up and took off the wheel and you could rock the disc back and forth or in any direction, the grinding noise was coming from the disc turning at an angle and grinding against the caliper housing. If you have the same problem then you'll find that the grinding stops when you apply the brakes, this is because they are striaghting up the disc. Not such a big problem unless you keep winding it up! :) and your wheel falls off :( Hope this was a help!
  6. Cheers Gav, am going to ring around a few garages this morning.
  7. Hi, have just found out my front passenger side wheel bearing has bit the dust and have been told that it can be a pigs ear of a job to change one. Is it that difficult to do? And about how much can i expect to pay roughly at a garage? Cheers guys
  8. Just to update you all, have located the source of my leak a split hose, just need to get my hands on a copy of ETKA now to order a new one from the stealers. Thanks foor the advice guys
  9. Thanks for the quick replies guys, will have another look as soon as the monsoon stops!!
  10. Hi, Just bought myself a 1.8 16V with 130 on the clock and full history, checked for all the things you guys have said to on the buying guide and it all seemed ok, but the water temp gauge wasnt working and the low level light was flashing. thought it was just the sensor not working, but after toppping up the light came back on today so had a check around all the engine for leaks but it's pretty damp today so cant really tell . there's no mayo on the oil cap and doesnt seem to be any white smoke. oil temp sticks around 80-90 but the water temp i have noticed does rise slightly off min. Had the engine running early and was feeking the pipe to the top of the rad and it got hot but the bottom pipe stayed cold. and am i right in thinking that the temp sensor is on the bottom right of the rad looking at the front of the car??? Any help guys most appreciated Thanks
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