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Everything posted by panjo

  1. Hello, Just want to check and see if there is any further feedback regarding the Panjo Marketplace! Please do not hesitate to reach out to us here on this thread or directly at [email protected] if you have any feedback, questions, or comments. We are trying to build the best platform possible and we truly value any and all feedback the community may have! Sincerely, Niko @ Panjo Support
  2. Hi again, We took a look and it appears that the errors happened on PayPals side. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to figure out exactly what went wrong. Maybe the issue was with trying to pay directly from a bank account. You may have better luck next time paying with your bank debit card. Sorry you had trouble! We'll keep an eye out for similar reports. - Brian @ Panjo
  3. Hi dragon green, Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with Panjo. Do you mind telling us what was the item that you were trying to buy? Thanks, Brian Panjo Support Team
  4. Hi Guys, Nice to meet all of you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Juan and I'm "Head of Product" at Panjo. I just wanted to chime in and let you guys know that we fixed the bug that was preventing threads from being created. Also, we made major changes to how message emails work last week. Not only are the emails more useful, you can simply reply to them to continue the conversation. We appreciate all the great feedback in this thread. If any of you have any additional questions or suggestions, you can reach me directly at [email protected]. Thanks for trying us out. We have a lot of great, significant, improvements coming down the line that I think you guys will really like. - Juan
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