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Everything posted by buick87

  1. Well, an Engine swap has crossed my mind more than once but i'm leaning more toward diesel. Just now i'm reading up what I can find to get a feel for what would be involved in the project, the problems and pitfalls, before I dive in to anything. I'd say I was pretty technically minded but this would be totally different to anything i've done before.
  2. This is a really interesting read. Thanks for posting so much. Looking forward to further news from you mate.
  3. Evening lads, I'm James, glad to be here. Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking at buying a Corrado as the new car and I'm here trying to learn what I can about them. What are they like as daily runners? What sort of money is involved in upkeep? Are they easy to maintain yourself? That sort of thing. I expect that means I'll end up doing a lot of reading and not much posting to begin with but if I ever get past being a "Wannabe" owner then you guys will know about it. Thanks again. James
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