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pride n joy

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Everything posted by pride n joy

  1. do you still have the bonnet release cable and what else im only down the clyde from you could come over cheers
  2. if you can sort out the cable I will comeover and ge it from you if that ok how much you after for it cheers
  3. also how to put an aviator photo on my profile lol
  4. brilliant my babies is sick im just down the clyde from you cannae believe this lol cheers I think all the cables are the same
  5. thanks yeah ive been on the vwww they don't have and it was discontinued in april this year
  6. hello my name is ally fae sunny Scotland.. Im looking for a rado vr6 bonnet release cable if anyone has one or can put me in the direction of where I can get one :bonk:been looking for while now with no joy
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