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Everything posted by Sprinter53

  1. I was not lazy in the meantime https://www.directupload.net/file/d/5559/yisvzspg_jpg.htm https://www.directupload.net/file/d/5559/7qxbnk2c_jpg.htm
  2. I estimate 160-180€ per set of indicators. They will look like OEM 92-95. But they will be only a limited edition. Maybe 50 sets.
  3. There will also be new turn signals within the next 4 weeks. But I will start a separate thread for it.
  4. Hi, i have some sets of both colors in stock, black & beige. MfG Chris
  5. Hi. I can not open any threads or private messages at the moment. As soon as the forum runs as usual, I contact all interested parties. MfG Chris
  6. Sorry for the delay. They are now available again.
  7. I found a solution. They will be in stock again within the next 4 weeks. mfg chris
  8. Unfortunately, the manufacturer of the material does not exist anymore. Therefore, there will be no foam in the near future. I am working on a solution. For me it is important to know how many Corrado drivers are still interested in the foam.
  10. I offer some sets of new "Corrado"-strip replicas. Price: 159€ + 20€ shipping to UK. Selectable color: black and tan. Self-adhesive backing. 100% exactly like the original. kind regards chris
  11. http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?93159-rear-silver-Corrado-script-badge-535853687 MfG Chris
  12. The surface must be absolutely clean otherwise the mats will loosen again.
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