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About Ambulancedaz

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  • Birthday 01/14/1972


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  1. I'll take the indicator thanks . I guess it's for a late vr6 Pm me PayPal's details Cheers Darren
  2. Thanks for the replys Darren
  3. Hi all Not posted for a while but enjoy the forum every day. As per title is every corrado sunroof the same i.e. Early/ late / 16v / vr6 etc etc Thanks Darren
  4. Hi graham I'll take the tool kit strap please Cheers Darren Pm me details
  5. Yes I am uk . I'll have em .pm me your details Thanks Darren
  6. can you post pics to me ?
  7. Wanted door bung for 95 vr6 if it makes any difference.part no 535 837 865 Thanks Darren
  8. I know I can do a mk4 golf upgrade butheir I have a storm so I want to keep it standard .darren
  9. Hi I seem to remember from a earlier post that this tank is no good for the vr6 of am I wrong ?? Darren my part no is 021 121 407 so no quite the same ?
  10. If any one can help I'm after a good vr6 header tank Thanks darren
  11. Hi roger I have sent payment and pm you Thanks Darren
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