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Everything posted by KeVR6

  1. Hi all, I am organising a stand at this show and I desperately need one more Corrado! I have 5 cars at the moment but I have passes for 6 which I have paid for out my own pocket as the organisers wanted payment upfront to secure the stand. The cost is £8 per car which includes driver and passenger. The show is on Sunday 11th September and it is at the Concorde club, Eastleigh. If anybody is interested please message me asap. Check out their website http://www.concordeclassics.co.uk Many thanks Kev
  2. No worries mate, thanks for letting me know. Cheers Kev
  3. Hi Buddy, I have just had a text from JezR and he has come down with a sickness bug! Hopefully he will still be coming to the AGM, he has asked me to contact you as I am going to go up earlier on Sunday morning and would be at The Buck service station at 9.00am instead of 10.00am as the CCGB are arriving at Gayden at 10.30am and I would like to be there for that time, and as it is going to be good weather make a full day of it. Hope this is OK with you? I hope to see you and hopefully Jez at the meeting point at 9am. Cheers Kev
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