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About aks_uk

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  1. Was just having a look under the bonnet and found another major problem. The Distributor's (spark distributor's) hold down bolts were also loose. When trying to tighten them, I noticed that the bolts just kept on spinning..it seems that the thread in the holes have got worn and now they just wont tighten. Is there anyway around this problem?
  2. Tried tapping the damn thing but no difference...revved the car to its limits a couple of times and it started working. Running nice and smooth today thankfully, just hope it stays like this, if not then I guess I'll post again for a replacement part. Thanx again for the support. Akhtar
  3. thanx for the advice will try that...but if that doesn't work, is it easy to remove? and approximately how much will it be for a new part?
  4. Hi guys...I'm in desperate need of some advice. After 2 months of my car not running right with a lumpy idle and lumpy acceleration in 1st and 2nd gears, I got my car checked out by an auto electrician. He showed me that the fuel ditributor was not pumping fuel through injector no.1. This was done by loosening the bolts on the fuel distributor one by one..each time it had an 'dying' effect except for when no.1 was loosened, no effect..when it was taken off, the fuel wasn't pumping out as would be expected. Can anybody tell me if replacing the fuel distributor would do the job, or are there more complications that I need to consider for example fuel pump or individual injectors??. Any advice is appreciated Thanks
  5. maybe a silly question but, does the 1.8 have a lambda sensor? I thought it's only on the catalytic convertor models.
  6. I think you're right, will have to book it in with a specialist to end my troubles once and 4 all, anyone know of any in London?? If not, I may have to take it to the dealers, which'll probably cost a fortune.
  7. just started the C to take it to the garage...and she's driving so smooth and beautifully. As the car temperature hit 90 she started stuttering again, luckiliy when I got to the garage. The guy there thinks it's the thermostat now. Could it be this? I'm gonna get one now, but won't be able to fit until next week as I'll be away on holiday. I appreciate all the replies...hope it will be sorted when I come back as I haven't been able to drive it properly in 4 weeks and I'm kinda missin it...I'm sure every Corrado owner understands.
  8. thanx for the replies guys will mention these things to the garage.
  9. plugs, leads, whole distrubutor, cap and rotor arm have been changed as I thought one of these might be the cause, but definately not. might be a stupid question, but where abouts is the main loom?..oh and also.. it's a valver. thanx
  10. Just got my car back from the garage, who took my engine apart and changed all the gaskets. They told me that everything was ok and nothiing else needed changing. It drove well for about half an hour until the accelaration just started to feel as though it's stuttering...deja vu...it's exactly what happened 4 weeks ago before it started idling at around 400 like it's choking, and would not pick up speed. It totally freaked me out then, which is the reason I took it into the garage in the first place. Before it gets to that stage, I want to take it back to the garage tomorrow, but I need an idea on what it might be as they obviously have no idea, which is why the problem has come back. Please can someone help. Any suggestions appreciated.
  11. sorry, and also does it prefer fully or semi-synthetic?
  12. does anyone know what rating oil the 16V should use?
  13. Ok, I will be visiting my local branch tomorrow. I should think that they'll know what I need, but will mention all of the above. Looks like it shouldn't cost that much in total. The guy at the garage got a quote for the gasket kit from his supplier, believe it or not, he quoted me £160 :shock: . I knew that good ol' GSF would quote me happy :D .......jus hope they have the stuff in stock :|
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