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About docatkins

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    northern england
  1. Volunteer needed to put 400+ letters in envelopes, put stamps on said envelopes and take a trip to the post office.
  2. Sarah has a red G60 and is from South Yorks. "Not a lot a people know that."
  3. I'm sure this will happen in due course Steve. All the Committee and regional hosts details are printed on a full page in the Sprinter, though the email contacts probably won't work any longer because of the change of name of the website. There are some contact phone numbers though if needed. There's also a list of areas that need regional hosts for those who'd like to put their money where their mouths are. Generally only 5 to 6 % of members can be bothered to turn up at the AGM, be nice to see a few of the armchair warriors in the flesh.
  4. I hope you've told all the VW magazines and WH Smiths about this . :roll:
  5. CCGB sell the 'Welly' model Corrado 1:36-38 scale. GREEN ONLY. Metal body, pull back & go, doors & hatch open, contact as above.
  6. GSXR all the CCGB needs is for you to volunteer to set it up and run it.
  7. VWCCGB website is now back up and running. New server and new address. http://www.corradoclub.org Needs updating but at least you can now get membership details and print off membership forms. :D :D :D
  8. VWCCGB website is now back up and running with new address http://www.corradoclub.org Needs updating but you can now print off membership forms if you need them.
  9. You'll find that majority of 16 inch wheels are 7 inch wide whereas most 17s are 7.5 inch wide, so if they have the same offset they will stick 0.25 inch further inwards and 0.25 inch further outwards, which means you'll have more chance of them fouling on brakes or suspension on the inside and bodywork on the outside. EVO mag said the Corrado is one of the best handling front wheel drive cars ever. That was with 15 inch wheels and standard suspension. I bet they wouldn't say the same about your lowered C with 17's and 40 profile tyres. If God had wanted us to put on 17s and slam our Corrados he'd never have given us British roads and speed humps.
  10. You should receive 4 issues of the Sprinter per year not 6. Circumstances beyond the CCGB's control have meant that you've only received 2 in 2003 (#28 & 29) and 2 in 2004 (#30 & 31). I have it on good authority that existing members will be recompensed in some way for this. The Club is run by people who put in a lot of effort for no financial reward for the benefit of the members and their love of the Corrado. They do this in their free time while fitting in work and family life like everyone else. If you're a member and have paid your money you're entltled to complain and have your say, but please do it through the correct channels, which is through a ccgb committee member or your regional area host if you have one (if you don't have one then think about becoming one). As has already been pointed out all members should be receiving a letter within the next few weeks which should include details of the AGM, which is generally held centrally in the midlands (change of venue planned this year I believe) and should be sometime in March. All members should come along to find out what's happening and also for the biggest turnout of Corrados, outside of a CCGB National day, all year. Over 40 last year. Non-members can join on the day and existing members will be welcome regardless of whether the renewals issues have been sorted out or not. Anyone wishing to join now will get the bonus of 14 months membership instead of 12. Forum members who are not CCGB members are welcome to come along to the AGM gathering of Corrados but will not be allowed into the AGM itself. Just remember that the CCGB is run by the members for the members. Without your input we have no club. No more questions from the defence, M'lud.
  11. Up to mid 1988 they called it Nogaro Silver and later Sterling Silver. I've seen Sport Evolution 3s at over £20K, but they were only made in Brilliant Red or Jet Black. Chances are that you'll only get a thrashed shed for £5K. There was a 2 litre M3 engined E30 made just for the Italian market, left hooker but without the boxy arches. This was made in Dolphin Grey and you can get mint ones of these for reasonable money, good stealth car. It's getting warm in here, better take off this BMW anorak I'm wearing.
  12. A mint E30 M3 would more likely cost you £15 K, and if you find a dolphin grey one, then it's been resprayed as they weren't produced in that colour.
  13. Andy, that wheel looks the same as the RS5 Fox Racing wheel by Motorsort Wheels. Though smallest size is 7.5 x 17. http://www.mswuk.com click on the fox link. Doc.
  14. I ran 15.4 at York a couple of years ago in my VR and lost by 5 seconds. Mind you Ian Birch was in the other lane in Big Dub. I had him for about 50 yards though, then I must of hit reverse as he disappeared into the distance. Doc.
  15. Milltek make a high flow sports cat for the VR6, not a cat by pass, but it is only available from AMD as they developed it. £350 + vat.
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