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Everything posted by mannik

  1. What test should a garage perform then to see if the piston rings were gone? cheers again.. I guess if the head has gone and the valve stems need replacing this is 'cheaper' than if the pistons need reboring?? Effectively this would mean a replacement engine from a donor as VW suggested?
  2. there was no service book (or at least it is not stamped). How would you know if it had chewed the cylinder bores? I ask because spark plug 6 was completely clogged according to VW and there suggestion was a new engine...was this because of the plug fouling?
  3. dr_mat - Serious troubles being..? (thanks for all the good advice - much appreciated)
  4. Heater matrix has been replaced, but I suspect I have high pressure in the system since everything associated with the cooling system seems to be giving up. First the hose into the heater matrix, then circulation pump, then the heater matrix (all replaced) and now the thermostat housing... Car has done 100K miles with no regular service before I bought it. Can it be a crack in the engine block?
  5. Not so mechanically minded I am afraid so a simple question I now have water in the oil - does this specifically mean that the head gasket has gone or can it also be a result of piston ring damage or any other engine fault as well? Engine also beginning to sound like a tractor (or an old BMW E30 when the valves etc are on the way out). Have been offered approx £2K for the car - should I sell? (car is otherwise in really good nick). Looked at '95 Corrado here in Sweden for £8K and I have to say that for the difference of £6K I guess I could get a complete engine rebuild - or is this an underestimate for a rebuild?
  6. It's really the reason why the system is under so much pressure...is it due to a fault with the engine? The car defintely lacks power now and does not feel like it has 190hp, but it starts OK, temp is 92-94 when warm going up to 105 if driven moderately hard, the fan I have not actually heard this recently after stopping the car so maybe this is a problem (however this comes in at 100C doesnt it?) What I really do not want to do is keep replacing things until the weakest point becomes the heater matrix again!
  7. Everything assoicated with the coolant system on my VR6 keeps leaking/breaking First the hose(s), circulation pump, then the heat matrix/exchanger and now the thermostat housing... Car sounds rough (bit like a diesel), uses a lot of oil and there was a lot of fouling according to VW on spark plug 1 (or 6?). What is the cause of the cooling components breaking? :-(
  8. Have the same problem here in Sweden...everyone wants a piece of my rear bumper...still its an enjoyable sport :-) Anyhow, car soon to be modified I hope and gain a little extra hp/torque so the more grip the better. Looks like F1's then fro the summer... In the winter I have had Nokian Hakkapelitta's which have been very good.
  9. Yeah I'm an old fart as well, so the more grip the better :-) Had F1's on my 205GTi and was happy with them, especially the wear and was considering them again.... When it comes to tyres, I always think to myself well I would never climb Snowdonia in sandels so why drive with cheap tyres when you want to go for the Sunday morning bread run.....
  10. Looking at new summer tyres for my Corrado VR6. (205-50/15) Thinking of choosing between: Goodyear F1 GSD3 Continental Sport Contact 2 Michelin Pilot Sport Pirelli P7 or P6000 Any thoughts or comments with respect to handling (wet and dry), wear and road noise Thanks
  11. An ABV engine from golf syncro is being offered for sale - is this the same engine as my 93 Corrado VR6?
  12. umm the car is lowered (Eibach springs) and by quite a lot (not sure exactly how much since it was like this when I bought it). At least 30mm. The Speedlines I have almost touch the arch when I have my summer tyres on (205/50-15? I think) These Golf wheels are being offered secondhand for around 220quid for 4. My Speedlines are quite knackered and I would really like to get them renovated but not sure where. I though these may do for the meantime. And yeah a picture would be great.. will check back in tonight
  13. Will the bolts from my Speedlines fit or will they be too long? Have also bolts from my Brands Hatch (which are a lot shorter).
  14. Sorry - a little more explantation please... ET40 being another model? Do you have picture? In fact of anyone has a picture of a VR6 with these wheels fitted I would be really grateful to see.
  15. Do the wheels in the picture (origianl MkIV Golf wheels) fit a Corrado VR6 from 1993? Thanks :-)
  16. Link takes me to search motor Did you miss id= etc? Searched myself without luck...
  17. They probably did get damaged (or removed!) by the person who did this. Where are these light pipes? Behind the plastic panel covering the three controls?
  18. Were there ever any rubber mats for the interior? If so can you still get hold of them in the UK or Germany?
  19. Thing is I don't remeber it being like this before the heater matrix was changed :-( Oh well, guess I'll have to live with it for now.
  20. Turned out either the bulbs were missing or blown everywhere. The only problem that remains is that I have replaced the bulb in the middle heating control (which now illuminated well at night), but the two outer controls you can hardly see any illumination. This cannot be correct since it looks ridiculous Have I missed anything? Are there bulbs or illumination that is hidden for the heating controls 1 and 3?
  21. neither the ash tray or in fact the glove box light work ... Should I take out the ventilation controls and look there first or can it be anywhere behind the dash? Thanks again Mark
  22. How do I fix this? is there a simple cable not attached or is it more complicated? cheers Mark
  23. Had the heat exchanger changed recently by someone who had problems putting the dash back together :-( Anyhow, I do not remember if, at night, the heating controls were illuminated since there is no illunination now. Neither is the cigarette lighter illuminated. Can someone please advise Many thanks VR6 '93 (round controls)
  24. mannik

    VR6 - Oil Usage

    Yeah the hose that went was the hose that came out of the cylinder head and to the heater matrix... Not sure which plug it was since VW never told me but will contact them tomorrow. Any experience with AMD Tecknik in Bicester? Are they any good? (Thanks again)
  25. mannik

    VR6 - Oil Usage

    Maybe I should take the long version... Coolant lamp showed one day and there was no coolant in the car. Drove to Vw (in another car) and bought more coolant, filled up and drove home (3miles). Just before I got home the coolant lamp flashed again and the car overheated. Had about 100m left so drove home and stopped the car. Looked under the bonnet and found a hose with a small split and also what appeared to be a leak at the base of the circulation pump. Removed the pump and (tried) to apply pressure - no leak. OK must be the hose I thought. Put the car back together and drove for a test run. Overheated again and so parked and rang for a tow truck. Car went to VW and they told me the engine needed replacing!! One spark plug was completely clogged. They looked for leaks (apaprently under pressure) and found none. 2 days later I Ddrove the car 150km and came back and parked at work. In the evening coolant all over the parking house floor running from around the area of the cat. Towed the car to VW and they said the heat exchanger was broken. Bypassed the exchanger and drove with the car without a problem until the circulation pump starting leaking again. Suspected that there must be high pressure in the system and drove immediately to another garage (Porsche, BMW, Audi specialist). Here I was told that the head gasket had gone, that one should always skim the head on a Vr6 if the gasket was gone and that the heat exchanger/circulation pump needed replacing. Car is now back on the road but still with original problem I had in June of using lots of oil. There is smoke in the mornings, but no more than condensation in the cat(?). Compression test shows cylinders functioning OK. Valves/Stem seals not done. That's the long version.....
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