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Posts posted by jonrb

  1. Does anyone know if there is a "no holes bracket" available for the Corrado? None of the websites that stock these things list the Corrado amongst the cars they support.


    Alternatively, does the Corrado share the same dash as another car in the VW range (eg. Passat)?


    Thanks in advance


  2. Hmmm.


    The car is up with Vince at Stealth at the moment. If I weigh up the cost of my time (especially at what I charge clients per hour) to go down to order it, collect it and post it up to Vince compared to just dropping him a line and saying "do it" then maybe I should just get him to go ahead and supply & fit.


    Edit: ZippyVR6 - your avatar makes my head hurt. :)

  3. [i've used the search, but still have questions, hence the new thread.]


    My aerial is totally shagged. The base is cracked, the seal has gone, the rubber on the aerial is cracked and the amplifier evidently doesn't work as radio reception is pretty dire.


    The car is up with Vince at the moment and he's told me the part is £90 which seems a lot of money.


    So my questions are

    a) is the OEM part worth the money and

    b) if not, are there any decent alternatives that look fairly OEM and perform well?


    Thanks in advance



    (If a friendly mod could correct the smelling pisstake spelling mistake in the thread title then I'd be most grateful :))

  4. I decided to use PayPal in the end as I hadn't heard back from BarclayCard as to whether they were happy with me sending out a scan of the front and the back of the card.


    Then, ironically, an email came back from Barclaycard saying that "with Barclaycard no customer is ever liable for any fraudulent transactions on their account" and that they were ok with me complying with the request.

    Still, I'll know next time, eh?


    Total price came to £209.44 debited from my card by PayPal to fund the $403 sale. Even if I get hit for VAT and Duty that's still got to be a saving.

  5. I've had two automatic emails from them now - postage was $89 the first time and $74 the second.


    All getting a bit confusing. And since they're in California I'll have to wait until this afternoon before their business hours start and I can hope to get clarification.


    Still, all good fun, eh? ;)

  6. If you use PayPal and it all goes pear-shaped you don't have as much recourse as you do with a Credit Card where you can issue a charge-back in the event of fraudulent use.


    Having had to deal with PayPal when things don't all go well I'd steer away from using them unless I absolutely had to.


    (Besides, I'd be no better off in this instance as Gripforce will only ship to the PayPal address and I want it sent straight to Vince)

  7. If I want to pay via a credit card with the billing address and delivery address different then I have to email them a scan of my driving licence and the front and back of my credit card.


    Is that safe?


    (My wife has been asked to do this by a USA company before as well, so maybe it's common practice over there)

  8. I just ordered from Gripforce. Had to go through eBay "Buy it Now" to do so and you don't get to find out the shipping cost until after you've committed.


    Holy Christ on a bike - $89 for shipping. That's an extra 27% on the $329 price of the flywheel.


    Add on customs (it'll get caught knowing my luck) and account for the fact that Barclaycard will give me a really shitty exchange rate and suddenly the savings aren't as great as imagined. :(

  9. Anyone got any supplier recommendations? It doesn't look like you can order directly from Fidanza from looking at their website at http://www.fidanza.com


    Buying from the USA is definitely an option given the current exchange rate.


    BTW, just had an email back from part-box.com to say that they can supply at £299.99 + VAT on a 1-2 week lead time (out of stock at the moment). I'd hope to do better than that.

  10. I'm very interested in doing this as it's going to be almost labour-free given all the other work that Vince is doing at the moment to the car.


    Given the pound is strong against the dollar it's probably best to buy from the states.


    What part number do I need as the Fidanza website says "CALL" for the part number for the Corrado VR6.




  11. I thought he mentioned that he's going turbo or has a turbo. Raising compression on a turbo motor is normally something you don't want to do.

    True, but I confess that I've slightly hijacked the thread and we were talking about NA use in that instance. :)


    Yes, for turbo installs you don't want to raise the CR, in fact you often want to lower it.

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