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Everything posted by OldYeller

  1. Hello all... this has probably been covered a hundred times before but.... any ideas on why my trip computer and consequently spoiler work for 6 months and then stop working for another 6? No, it's not seasonal! I think it's something to do with letting my bf borrow my car, it always comes back broken, lol. Seriously, it's clearly just a little wiring glitch, any suggestions on what I could check? Any help is as always, greatly appreciated!
  2. OldYeller


    Well, when I had the bug I was living in North London, Enfield to be precise. I don't live there anymore however. Had the bug for a fair few years, so chances are, if you remember it, it would have been when I owned it. I haven't seen it since I sold it.
  3. OldYeller


    Almost got it right apart from the comedy mismatch of comments! I could prentend I did it on purpose, but I won't and I'll just say D-OH! Hahaha!
  4. OldYeller


    Righty then, let's give this a go. I'll go for the before and after for maximum impact! :lol:
  5. OldYeller


    That's very true. I don't object to modifications, I had an early Bug once (okay so it's aircooled and maybe a different genre of 'dub scene') that I did up and did a few mods on. I'd post a pic up if anyone was interested and if I could find out how to do it... being a newbie and all! I just think modern cars suffer from too many modifications on the original design. Subtle I can live with. Down with the Chav! :D And no, I don't want to part with my Corrado, standard or not, worth bugger all or not, I wouldn't live without it. PS: I can't help being opinionated! Hahahah
  6. OldYeller


    You're all going to hate me for this but.... apart from slight lowering job and different wheels, I haven't seen a modification on a Corrado that I actually like. I don't think you can improve on the original design, and all this one wiper and smooth stuff makes them look frankly, like Chavmobiles. There we are, my two cents' worth. I feel better. *Runs, hides* PS: What's all this about yellow making the car worth £1,000 less? If that's the case, then mine's free to a good home. Any takers? lol
  7. OldYeller

    Sunroof seal

    Don't even know how I managed to do that. All fixed now, I am no longer on holiday. Msg me and let me know the price/condition of the seal you have.
  8. OldYeller

    Sunroof seal

    Oh and I meant to say, thank you for your help guys. As a newbie (and a girl!) I can say I've been made to feel welcome. Woo hoo that's 5 posts for me now!
  9. OldYeller

    Sunroof seal

    Well thank you, but no, that won't work seeing as when I say it's made out of moss, I mean it. If I got rid of the moss there would be no seal whatsoever, lol! The seal has fallen to pieces, there's just a few little brittle chunks left, so it's definitely time for a new one! :)
  10. OldYeller

    Sunroof seal

    Have you? So I guess I should ask you how much you want for it. You can send me a private message if you like. Oh and I wasn't going to say anything but... your POOR corrado, what did you do to it? lol :wink:
  11. OldYeller

    Sunroof seal

    Thank you, I shall give them a try! :D
  12. OldYeller

    Sunroof seal

    Hello all, I'm a newbie, and I just thought I'd pop by and ask.... does anyone know the best place for me to get a replacement seal for my sunroof? The original one is now organic, that's to say that it seems to be mostly constructed out of moss. Thanks!
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